Journal of Gypsy Studies is an interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high quality research and scholarship. Journal of Gypsy Studies (JGS) was launched in 2016 and, from 2017 onwards, published twice a year (May and October) by Transnational Press London.

Journal of Gypsy Studies is an international, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal publishing research and scholarship in all areas of Gypsy/Romani studies. Journal of Gypsy Studies invites articles on the cultures, demography, economy, politics, health and identities of all groups traditionally known as and associated with Gypsies, Travellers and peripatetic groups. Although these groups are often referred to as Gypsy, Roma, Traveller etc., the journal is titled with the most widely used name. Journal of Gypsy Studies aims at publishing articles in humanities, social sciences, business and management, economics, law, anthropology, politics, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, literature, folklore, music, geography and health sciences. A variety of formats are available including research articles, debates, conversations/interviews, book reviews, opinion and viewpoints and letters.

Journal of Gypsy Studies aims to be a quality venue for scholarly exchange and therefore follows a strict editorial review policy with double blind reviewing and adhering to ethical publishing principles to ensure the Journal is included in indexes such as SSCI, SCOPUS, EBSCO and others.

Journal of Gypsy Studies is included in American Sociological Association’s Publication Options Journal Directory

Journal of Gypsy Studies offers a universally accessible venue where sound scholarship and research as well as reviews and debates are disseminated. The journal establishes a genuine forum for serious discussion and exchange among the researchers in the field, reaching out to a broad audience of students, professionals, policy makers and enthusiasts alike. Journal of Gypsy Studies aims to maintain a fair balance between theoretical analyses and empirical studies. Critical and novel approaches and methods are particularly welcome.

Journal of Gypsy Studies is founded by a group of academics led by Başak Akgül, Doğa Elçin, and Ibrahim Sirkeci in 2015.

The abbreviated title of Journal of Gypsy Studies journal is: J. Gypsy Stud.